At the recent Kings County Democratic Party Judicial Convention, seven nominees were selected to run for Supreme Court Justice for the Democrats.
All the nominees are current judges, who are either moving up to Supreme Court for the first time or seeking re-election. The nominees include Hon. Keisha Alleyne (Kings County Civil Court Judge), Hon. Sharen Hudson (Acting Supreme Court Justice, Kings County), Hon. Inga O’Neale (Kings County Civil Court), Hon. Christopher Robles (Kings County Criminal Court), Hon. Jeffrey Sunshine (Supreme Court Justice), Hon. Adam Perlmutter (Acting Supreme Court Justice, Kings County) and Hon. Lisa Lewis (New York City Civil Court).
In New York, Supreme Court Justices are elected for a term of 14 years. They are nominated by the borough’s political party but then they must go through the election process to run against the Republican Party nominees. Supreme Court Judges must retire when they turn 70. If they serve for their 14-year term and have not yet turned 70, then they can run for reelection.

Nominees are selected by a vote of the Kings County judicial delegates from the borough’s Assembly Districts. There are 21 Assembly Districts in Brooklyn.
The nominees, which includes a diverse group, must convey to the delegation, their commitment to diversity, equality and fairness while serving on the bench. Their commitment is shown by their experience, community work and their work as a judge.
What’s Next?
The nominees elected by the delegates for Supreme Court justice will now appear on the general election ballot. Voters in Brooklyn then elect justices during the general election, which is held in November.
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